Peru is a Mysterious Land with Amazing Products

Peru Has a Mysterious Land with Amazing Products

Peru with his beautiful beaches, white Andes and luxurious Amazonian jungles, has been sharing with the world some amazing food and medicines.

One of these products is potato with more than 4,000 distinct varieties; it was grown by the Incas 13,000 years ago, others crops such as cotton, beans, squash and peppers were planted around 4000 BC.  

Jeff Chapman writes in one of his articles “Historians debate whether the potato was primarily a cause or an effect of the huge population boom in industrial-era England and Wales”. Between 1801 and 1851, England and Wales experienced an unprecedented population explosion, their combined population doubling to almost 18 million.

I think the mayor contribution from Peru to the world, is still to come for the abundant variety of plants and fruits that are still unknown, hidden in the Amazonian jungle and Andes. Two products Maca and Camu-Camu, are really exceptional and deserve more credit, and this is the reason of this web-site..


 Is one of these incredible products from the Peruvian Andes, it scientific name is Lepedium Meyenii .

I first knew about Maca reading a newspaper’s article, published in Peru that was sent to me by my mother. She knew that as a teacher of tai Chi and oriental disciplines for more than 30 years; I was always interesting in trying new products that claim to enhance the vital energy; in China is called (Chi) and Prana in Hinduism.

I had tried in the past many products to increase Chi, from Ginseng to Guarana, some of them made me nervous or sick; they were full of caffeine, with others I didn’t feel any tangible effect.

In China Tai chi masters will try anything to obtain more Chi, even disgusting things; a popular practice in Chinese markets is to drink snake’s blood which makes your body supple and your energy penetrating and cool.

 In Peru I had a teacher of Gong Fu named  Mr. Fi Li Pan, this 84 year old man, who attributed his good shape and longevity, to the fact that he drank everyday a little cup of rum marinated with dozen of lizards; that he caught himself, and placed at the bottom of the bottle.

Soccer Team Story

The article I mention before, was about a soccer team, Cienciano of Cuzco, which won the soccer South America cup for clubs, defeating teams from Colombia, Chile, Brazil and finally Argentina’s River Plate. It was the first time for a Peruvian team to win this cup.

The amazing thing about this victory was, that the players were in their middle thirties, an age in which soccer players are thinking in retirement, the players attributed their successes, to the fact that they were all constantly  taking, great amounts of Maca. The team was sponsored by a Swiss Lab in Peru that was trying to introduce Maca to the Peruvian market and to the world. The before and after Maca performance of the team, was a phenomenal marketing strategy, making Maca a very popular product.


I first got some Maca in powder and I loved the flavor, I felt the effects of Maca immediately.  I work teaching classes at Canyon Ranch spa in Tucson Arizona , I continuously  teach , demonstrate yoga poses and talked, for eight  hours a day, when I finish I can feel the toll of the effort  in my body since I’m in my fifties.

After taking Maca, I have surplus energy, now I swim 3 times a week( after quitting many years ago), work out the other days and practice Tai chi and Qi Gong every day. My mental outlook has turned more optimistic and my life has changed from healthy to really awesome.

The psychological effect of Maca in me is remarkable; I haven’t experienced such contentment since I was a kid. Chinese people say that the quality of your life is determined by the quantity of energy that you have, not by the age. The say, if you have lots of energy, life is wonderful, it’s a great show; if you don’t have enough energy, everything is hard and tedious.

Now I’m taking liquid Maca that is even more effective than powder or capsules; with Maca you don’t have to worry about the dosage, you can take as much as you want, since is not a supplement it is food.

Maca history

Maca was lost for centuries; in Inca times Maca was one of the principal crops reserve for the royalty.

Spaniards became aware of this plant's value and collected tribute in Maca roots for export to Spain. Maca was used as an energy enhancer and for nutrition by the Spanish Royalty as well. But eventually knowledge of Maca's special qualities died out, being preserved only in a few remote Peruvian communities.
Maca was always found in archeological excavation but the knowledge of the plant was forgotten.
In the 1960s and later in the 1980s, German and North American scientists researching botanicals in Peru, rekindled interest in Maca through nutritional analyses of what was designated as 'the lost crops of the Andes. The publication of a book by that name introduced Maca to the world.


Maca has been marketing by some companies as an aphrodisiac, same strategy was used by Ging-seng dealers in the seventies.  What these roots do is to enhance your vital energy, and is up to the individual to expend it, in whatever they consider pertinent.

Any products that just concentrate in enhancing your libido, or promote and erection is usually hazardous for your health. If you have abundant vital energy, sex comes as a natural manifestation of strong vitality and health.

Camu- Camu

Another amazing Peruvian product is called Camu-Camu, it scientific name is Myrciaria Dubia.  It is a cherry like fruit that has more vitamin C than any other know plant in the world. As Maca the effect of Camu-Camu is noticeable from the first sip.

Camu Camu has 30 to 60 times more vitamin C than an orange, and the fruit renders a delicious juice.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant preventing the premature oxidation (aging) of cells. It has been proven to support a strong immune system and cardiovascular health. Further research shows that vitamin c is involved in maintaining proper levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a mood-balancing chemical in the brain. Serotonin is a mood balancing chemical in the brain that is associated with the sense of well-being and happiness.

Homeopathic treatments always recommend high dosages of vitamin C, large amounts of this vitamin can have side effects especially if it is synthetic.

New Health inside publication has an article on High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy, this is an excerpt.

“High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy involves the intravenous infusion of high doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The initial dose may be 15 or 25 grams and, if this is well tolerated, which is almost always the case, the dose is increased to 50 grams. In some cases the dose may be increased to 75 or 100 grams, or more”.                                                                                                                                                                          “High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy is well tolerated and very effective for a wide range of health problems. It can resolve both acute and chronic bacterial and viral infections, neutralize a wide variety of toxic substances and is a very safe and effective detoxifier of heavy metals. Recently, High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy has been proven to improve outcomes for cancer patients”.

Camu Camu is the most effective, pleasant and safe way to get all the vitamin C your body needs.  Large amount of vitamin C will helps your immune system to prevent disease, you really don’t have to inject it. Drink Camu-Camu to get the amount necessary, it is the natural alternative;  it is tasty and wonderful, it is nature wisdom.

Browse the menu to obtain more information of the benefits and testimonials on Camu-Camu and Maca.  Any comments e-mail me at